On Friday I
passed the third and final part of my Jägerprüfung and can now apply for my
Jagdschein! I can now call myself a “Jungjägerin,” which in direct
translation is “young hunter.” The German concept has nothing to do with age,
but rather refers to someone who has passed her test and earned her first
Jagdschein. She keeps this name for the first three years of having the
Jagdschein. It’s not an official or legal term, just a title used among
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a gift from my dear friend Hedda and the Glücksbringer from my Falkner-Lehrprinz - a newly molted feather from his Habicht (hawk), Frieda. |
My first attempt at this three-day test was in early March. I did pass
the written test and the oral-practical test, but I failed gun handling. My
re-take was scheduled for May, but by then we were in full-blown Corona Virus
mode and that test was cancelled.
The Waffenhandhabung
& Schießen (gun-handling and
shooting) test was at a Schießstand near Esslingen, and we – our Schießtrainer
(RS), the four of us being tested and our spouses – all met there at 8:00. It
was 11:30 before we were called up, so there was a lot of time to pace around
being nervous. We all were, including our spouses, who didn’t let their
nervousness show until we’d been called in! RS told story
after story non-stop, and I knew he was trying to distract us from our nerves.
There were groups from several other Jagschulen there also, and one by one they emerged, some
having passed and some having failed. The nice thing about being a non-native
speaker is that I can easily block out what others are saying in German. If I’d
heard how and why they failed (especially those who’d failed at gun handling),
I would have been even more twisted up. I was never worried about the shooting
disciplines because RS has been such a great teacher. He and another trainer at
the Schießstand had helped us a lot (as in private lessons for several
hours!) with gun handling also and we were all ready, but I already knew how
quickly one can forget something and fail. The major mistakes are called “K.O.-Fehler,”
“K.O.” meaning “knock-out.” An obvious example is if your booger hook is on the bang stick (finger is on the
trigger) before you simulate a shot at a deer. To this day I keep my finger far
away from ALL triggers, including on the gas pump when I’m picking up the
nozzle to fill the tank.
I was the
second of our group to be called up, and I entered the room where our six guns
were lying on a table hoping I wouldn’t barf on the Prüfers (proctors’) shoes. There are
two Prüfer: one gives me instructions while the other
takes notes. Prüfer A said to me pleasantly, “So you are interested in
hunting” but unfortunately I didn’t hear him well and had to ask him to repeat it.
I then answered, “Actually in falconry, but that starts with hunting.” They
indicated interest, and Prüfer A said, “Your native language isn’t
German, is it?” I said no, it’s English.
He asked if I was able to do the whole test in German, and I affirmed that,
adding that I never learned a thing about guns until I moved to Germany and
only know the important terms in German.
Ok, so then
off we went. Prüfer A wondered aloud which gun we should start with. The
test requires that we train with four long guns, all different types, a pistol
and a revolver. He said to me, “Should we go on a duck hunt?” Shit. I’ve
practiced simulating shooting stationary land animals a lot, but seldom flying
birds. I understood his question to mean “Are you planning on going duck
hunting in the future” and started to answer, “Actually, I’d rather not. I will
probably…” and then it dawned on me that he was politely starting the test. He
chooses how we start, not I! So I recovered and said, “But if you say we’re
going on a duck hunt, then we will!”
To cut this short, all four of us passed the Waffenhandhabung (gun handling) with flying colors, to the extent that the Prüfer told RS when he picked up the guns that we were an impressive group - we didn't make a single mistake! We also all passed the three discplines of shooting (all artificial targets!):
- Stationary buck at 100 m, seated, rifle resting on wooden brace (3 of 5 Treffer*)
- Running boar at 50 m, standing freehand with rifle (2 of 5 Treffer)
- Running Kipphasen (rabbits) at 35 m, standing freehand with shotgun (5 of 10 Treffer)
*A Treffer is a shot that counts based on the requirements for the test.
We toasted with a Schnäpsle (Ouzo, actually, because the restaurant at the Schießstand is Greek), profusely thanked our fabulous Schießtrainer, I sent a message to literally everyone I know who had wished me luck, and then M and I drove home as two Jungjäger!
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Now just like M after he passed his Jägerprüfung in Saarland, RS lets me shoot a higher caliber with one of his guns! M took the photo above today, where I'm shooting at the running Keiler (boar) with the same type of gun I ordered for myself - a Heym SR-21, caliber .308 with a Schalldämpfer (suppressor).
Seriously, folks, this is something I could never have imagined myself doing - and enjoying! - even just a year ago! I genuinely look forward to our hours at the Schießstand, and now that I've passed my test the real learning begins. The goal is no longer to get enough Treffer to pass the test, but rather to learn to shoot well. Well enough, perhaps, to actually go hunting.
So tomorrow I will drive to Freudenstadt to apply for my Jagdschein, we will keep returning to the Schießstand, and also turn our focus at home to Falknerei, since our class starts in three months.
There is much yet to learn!
Update: I applied for my Jagdschein this morning (Monday) and M's was sitting on the clerk's desk (along with a bill for €200). She gave it to me so I was able to hand-deliver it to M on my way home! In about six weeks I should have mine as well.
Congratulations! That is a commendable result after much work.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I'm really happy about reaching this point and about the amount of learning that went into it. I used to tell my students back in Wisconsin that if I could do anything I wanted to, I'd go back to school/college and learn as much as I can. I wasn't lying! :-) I hope all is well with you.
Deletecongrats, Beth!! Well done
ReplyDeleteThanks, Debbie! I hope you're well.