Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 Highs

December has been a nice, normal month here. Few extremes, just a nice, quiet Advent and Christmas holiday. So I thought I'd write a shorter post (M will applaud that) with some photos of the year's highlights.


  • three Kochkurse (cooking classes) at Straub's Krone
  • visits from and with friends

  • time with family

  • Scotland!! (three of the family photos were also taken in Scotland)

  • books

  • two long weekends at the Engel, a Wellness-Hotel in the Schwarzwald

  • owls - specifically Steinkäuze!!

Ich wünsche Euch eine guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und alles Gute und Liebe für 2018!


  1. These are some pretty kick ass memories for 2017! I love all the books and the food :D And especially the trip to Scotland! I wish you a wonderful 2018!

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a great year, too. We're going back to Scotland in September, and we're already looking forward to it. Already 2018 is shaping up to be a good year for reading.
